Instant Herbal Tea Formulas For Healing Your Liver and Gut
What’s so unique about these herbal formulas?
The first point to make about each herbal tea described here is that all the ingredients are derived from the dried herbs described below, and have been powdered so finely that they readily make ‘instant’ herbal cleansing teas, while enhancing absorption of their ‘goodies’. There’s no need to brew or steep. Your ‘cuppa’ is instantly ready for drinking!
The other added advantage is that - compared to herbal tablets or capsules - these herb teas contain no fillers, binders or additives.
What Are Some Of The Health Benefits of Herbal Tea?
The health benefits of tea can be numerous, especially when we go back to the traditional, alternative health therapies way in which herbs were originally taken – in other words, as a tea, rather than as tinctures or extracts. This also makes their action within the body so much more gentle.
There are many types of herbal tea, but the first of two formulations discussed on this page is specifically used to help the liver detox, as well as repair itself.
“Liv-Gest Tea”
This herbal tea contains the following ingredients:
Aniseed, Astragalus, Bilberry, Burdock, Calendula, Cats claw, Dandelion, Ginger, Gotu kola, Licorice, Marshmallow, Milk thistle, Peppermint, Schisandra, Wild yam.
“Spring Clean Tea”
The second herbal tea presented here contains the following ingredients:
Aniseed, Burdock, Dandelion, Calendula, Cleavers, Ginger, Goji berries, Gotu kola, Herb Robert, Lemon verbena, Red clover.
Herbal Tea Preparation
Before we look at how to make an herbal tea with cleansing effects, it is important to note that it's wise to always start slowly, so as to allow your body to get used to it. Pushing your system into a sudden detox or healing mode could be uncomfortable.
However, having raised that important point, making either the natural herbal detox tea, ”Spring Clean Tea”, or the healing herbal tea, “Liv-Gest Tea”, is as simple as starting with just a ¼ teasp of the powdered herbs added to about ¼ cup of boiling water, 2 – 3 x daily.
Then, each 2-3 days thereafter, increase the amount you started from - i.e. increasing from that initial ¼ teasp of powdered herbs, first to ½ teasp; then to ¾ teasp; next to a full but flat teasp, and finally to a full, heaped teaspoon.
As you increase the dose of the powdered herbal tea, also increase the amount of boiling water you add to your cup, so that when you reach the full, heaped teasp of either tea, you are also filling your cup full with the boiling water.
To get the most out of your instant herbal tea – be it the “Liv-Gest Tea” or the “Spring Clean Tea”, it’s important to always ‘stir-and-drink’ so as to ensure that all the herbal powder has been consumed by the end of your ‘cuppa’.
Initially – and especially for sensitive people – drink these herbal teas during a meal. However, as your body gets used to them, the herbal tea will function more effectively by having them about 5-10 minutes before meals.
If either this herbal healing tea, or detox tea feels too strong in its effects, simply cut back for a while on the amount of powdered herbs you’re taking, and when you feel ready, once more start to increase the amount of these instant herbal tea formulations.
Remember to increase your daily water intake too, as this will help the body release its toxins more efficiently, and more comfortably.
Where Can You Buy These Healthy Herbal Teas?
The “Spring Clean Tea” is available via this link.

The “Liv-Gest Tea” is available via this link.

Background Information On The Traditional Uses Of Various Herbs For Herbal Teas
(or Anise) - Pimpinella anisum
This herb is native to Southwest Asia and the eastern Mediterranean area.
Traditional Usage: - Aniseed has been long used as a herbal tea to calm various digestive complaints, such as bloating, gas, belching, colic, gastric ulcers, and diarrhea. It may also have value in alleviating menstrual cramping, or dysmenorrhea.
(Wikipedia; ‘HyperHealth’ Database)
- Astragalus membranaceus
This herb is originally found in the temperate regions of the Northern hemisphere.
Traditional Usage: - There is some research evidence that Astragalus has benefits for the immune system, heart, and liver. In the Traditional Chinese Medical (TCM) system, it has long been used as an adaptogen - (providing tonic properties to those who are depleted through stress or chronic illness) – improving endurance and ability to fight off infections.
It may have liver protective properties against toxins; antioxidant properties; immune enhancement actions such as stimulating various white blood cells; may help to lower blood pressure and enhance cardiac function.
It has been traditionally used for chronic hepatitis, stomach ulcers, colitis, chronic infections, wound healing, chronic fatigue syndrome, fatigue, allergies, anemia and other health challenges.
Cautions: - although this herb is traditionally well tolerated, it should not be used for those on immune suppressive therapy, or post organ transplant.
(Wikipedia;; ‘HyperHealth’ Database)
– Vaccinum myrtillus
Bilberries are related to many other blue style of berries, such as blueberries and huckleberries, and are found mostly in temperate and subartic areas, where they are able to thrive in nutrient-deficient, acidic soils.
Traditional Usage: - During WWII they were used by the RAF pilots to improve their night vision. They also have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, via their flavonoid content, such as the anthocyanosides.
German doctors in the 1700’s, backed up by further research in the 20th century via the Commission E Monographs (the German equivalent of the FDA, and formed in 1978) used it for intestinal health problems, such as diarrhea & dysentery, as well as inflammation of the mouth and throat.
It has also been used traditionally for gastric ulcers, and ulcerative colitis.
(Wikipedia;; ‘HyperHealth’ Database)
Burdock powder
- Arctium lappa
Burdock root is related to the Artichoke family and is a favourite in several cuisines, including Asian and Japanese, with a sweet, crisp, and mildly pungent taste.
Traditional Usage: - Burdock was traditionally used as a blood purifier; for chronic skin problems; has strong antioxidant properties; acts as a diuretic, and its inulin content helps with digestion. Furthermore, it has been traditionally used to help with gastrointestinal problems; joint aches; bladder infections; liver disease; to increase bile flow, and in gallbladder problems.
(Wikipedia;; University Of Maryland site: ; ‘HyperHealth’ Database)
Calendula flower
- Calendula officinalis
This herb is native to the Southern European countries, and does well in warm, temperate areas. It has been used for medicinal purposes since the 12th century.
Traditional Usage: - Extracts of Calendula have been shown to have an anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-oxidant, as well as an anti-inflammatory effect, and despite not being high in tannins, it does have astringent actions too, which is why it has been traditionally used in a range of health issues such as ‘leaky gut syndrome’, and ulcers.
It has also had a history of use for stimulating bile production, and topically, in burns, cuts, bruises and hemorrhoids, and in all of these conditions it seems to hasten healing.
(Wikipedia; University of Maryland Medical Center ; ‘HyperHealth’ Database)
Cats claw
- Uncaria tomentosa
This herb comes from the tropical jungles of Central and South America
Traditional Usage: - Traditionally, it has been used to treat gastrointestinal conditions such as ulcers, gastritis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, ‘leaky gut syndrome’, ‘irritable bowel syndrome’, diarrhoea, and diverticulitis, as well as arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, lyme disease, systemic lupus, acne, dengue fever, and diabetes.
(Wikipedia; ‘HyperHealth’ Database)
(sometimes called Clivers) – Galium aparine
This herb is native to Europe, Asia and North America.
Traditional Usage: - this herb has a diuretic action, as well as helping detoxify the lymphatic system, and helping with skin problems.
(Wikipedia; ‘HyperHealth’ Database)
Dandelion root
- Taraxacum officinale
This herb is native to the North & South Americas as well as Eurasia.
Traditional Usage: - It has a long history of use as a medicinal, and is known to contain many pharmacologically active substances, with the root used traditionally to primarily treat liver and gallbladder problems, while the leaves are used more as a diuretic.
Traditionally, it has been used to improve bile flow, may alleviate constipation, colitis, and gallstones.
Cautions: For some sensitive people, Dandelion flower pollen may cause allergic reactions when eaten directly, and the latex in the leaves may cause skin reactions in sensitive people.
(Wikipedia; ‘HyperHealth’ Database)
Ginger powder
- Zingiber officinale
This herb originated in South Asia, but has diversified to East Africa and the Caribbean too.
Traditional Usage: - Aside from its many culinary uses, traditionally it has been used, and may help medicinally for: constipation, gastrointestinal colic, dyspepsia (indigestion), gastroparesis (slow gastric emptying), pregnancy nausea; stimulating bile flow; Crohn’s disease; diverticulosis; gastric ulcers; gastritis; gas; irritable bowel syndrome, and ulcerative colitis.
Caution: too much ginger powder can aggravate some of the above symptoms.
(Wikipedia; ‘HyperHealth’ Database)
Goji berries
– Lycium barbarum
These berries have long been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine and originate in Asia and Southern parts of Europe.
Traditional Usage: - the berries, claimed to have antioxidant actions, are rich in a wide range of nutrients, such as: 6 essential vitamin, including vitamin C, Beta-sitosterol, unsaturated fatty acids, carotenoids, 18 amino acids, 8 polysaccharides, many essential and trace minerals,
(Wikipedia; ‘HyperHealth’ Database;
Gotu kola
- Centella asiatica
This herb is native to many parts of the world, including: northern Australia, India, Sri Lanka, parts of Asia, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and Iran, and has been used in the traditional medicine systems of Ayurveda (India), as well as traditional African and Chinese medicine.
Traditional Usage: - Gotu kola has been ascribed many medicinal qualities, alleged to help in conditions such as: anxiety & nervous stress; debility (act as an adaptogen); inflammation; gastric ulcers; as a cerebral tonic i.e. poor attention span or lack of concentration; as an antioxidant; for venous insufficiency; a mild diuretic; skin problems & poor wound healing.
(Wikipedia; ‘HyperHealth’ Database)
Herb Robert
– Geranium robertianum
This is one of the cranesbill species and native to North Africa and America, as well as Europe and Asia.
Traditional Usage: - this herb may help various health issues by improving liver and gallbladder function; kidney & bladder inflammation; for sore throats, where it is believed to work by slowing the growth of bacteria and viruses.
(Wikipedia; ‘HyperHealth’ Database;
Lemon verbena
– Aloysia citriodora
This herb originated in the west of South America, but has since been introduced to Europe too.
Traditional Usage: - this herb has value as a flavoring agent in both a culinary as well as a medicinal setting. It may also help against the fungus Candida, which can be a significant health issue in many. It also appears to have antioxidant action in both the immune system and oxidative damage due to muscular activity.
(or Liquorice) - Glycyrrhiza glabra
This herb is native to certain parts of Asia and southern Europe
Traditional Usage: - Licorice has been vastly researched and in Japan is commonly used for the treatment of chronic hepatitis due to viruses. One of licorice’s active ingredients, glycyrrhizic acid, has shown liver-protective mechanisms in studies done on mice.
It also has a cortisol-sparing action, which may be of benefit in those with depleted ability to respond to stress, as well as having the potential to re-balance the HPA axis (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal glands) – often thrown out of balance due to chronic stress.
It has also been traditionally used for the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers; leaky gut syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other gastrointestinal health issues, such as colitis, diverticulosis, indigestion, duodenal ulcers, ‘leaky gut syndrome’, well as potentially helping to relieve spasmodic coughing. Autoimmune conditions may also benefit from its usage.
(Wikipedia; ‘HyperHealth’ Database)
Marshmallow root
- Althaea officinalis
This herb is originally from Western Asia and Europe, and prefers marshy, sandy soils.
Traditional Usage: - Traditionally it has been used as a mucilaginous herb, with specificity for soothing inflamed mucus membranes, especially in the gut and the respiratory system. It has also had a traditional use in both diarrhea and constipation, and urinary tract infections.
(; ‘HyperHealth’ Database)
- Mentha piperita
Peppermint is in fact a hybrid between two other mint species, watermint and spearmint, and although it originated in Europe, it now grows worldwide.
Traditional Usage: - This herb has been used for culinary and medicinal purposes for centuries, focusing on gastrointestinal complaints such as: bloating; nausea; irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS; abdominal colic; diarrhoea; flatulence; improving bile flow; to help alleviate gallstones; bad breath; indigestion, as well as nausea and vomiting.
Caution: the oil of peppermint does have medicinal qualities as well, but needs to be used with great care, as it is potent and too much could do harm.
(Wikipedia; ‘HyperHealth’ Database)
- Schisandra chinensis
This herb is indigenous to East Asia, and has long been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Traditional Usage: - Schisandra is reputed to be effective for treating liver disease, as well as protecting the liver from toxins. Furthermore, it is reputed to be of use in chronic diarrhoea; insomnia; exhaustion; memory loss; balancing blood sugar levels; normalizing blood pressure and cholesterol.
One mode of action of this herb is by stimulating liver enzymes, which in turn help promote detoxification via the liver, as well as its repair.
(Wikipedia;; ‘HyperHealth’ Database)
Milk thistle
- Silybum marianum
This herb can be found from Asia to Southern Europe, but has now spread throughout the world.
Traditional Usage: - One of the active ingredients of this herb is found concentrated in the seeds. Traditionally, it has been used for a range of liver and gallbladder problems; hepatitis; protects the liver from various toxins, and has antioxidant properties.
Red clover
– Trifolium pretense
This leguminous herb was originally found in Western Asia, northwest Africa and Europe, but has since spread to most parts of the globe.
Traditional Usage: - it has long been used as a component of the famous ‘Essiac Tea’; is reputed to be high in antioxidants, and is said to be a gentle detoxer of the body.
Caution: do not use if you are on warfarin or other blood thinners.
(Wikipedia; ‘HyperHealth’ Database)
Wild yam
- Dioscorea villosa
This herb is indigenous to Northern USA, and grows as a vine.
Traditional Usage: - Although it is traditionally used for a range of female health issues, it also has reputed value in gallbladder disease, as well as intestinal colic.
(Wikipedia;; ‘HyperHealth’ Database)
Please Note:
No part of any information shared here, regarding herbal teas or single herbs, is intended as a form of diagnosis or prescription on physical, mental or emotional levels.
If you decide to instigate change in your present therapeutic regime, after reading any content on this site, then it is imperative you also seek out the professional services of an appropriate specialist – either natural or medical – for further expert advice.
My intent is solely to provide information of an educational nature.
No responsibility can be accepted by me for your actions or their consequences, in the event you use any information from this source, or any particular herbal tea with which to change your life in any manner whatsoever.
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